Spiritual Direction

A journey of connection, restoration, and transformation.

What is spiritual direction?

In spiritual direction, we Intentionally create space for regular encounters with God and each other. A space where we can talk and be heard and hear from God. In this sacred space, we will build trust and connection that Is needed to cross that liminal space from death to life, from wherever we find ourselves presently to that place of hope and becoming. We can work on breaking generational and societal curses to walk In the freedom that Is ours In Christ Jesus. We will work on realizing the radical transformation of being redeemed and filled by the Spirit and what it truly means to walk in the Spirit.

My Experience

In my experience within education, the church, and the military, I have learned and continue to learn much about trauma, shame, and the wounds we carry that can be debilitating and harmful. Some of these wounds come from the church and those who are closest to us. I have experienced that pain myself and learned that when all else fails, God Is still with us and loves us. His grace, mercy, and love never fail. As we draw near Him, we can experience the healing that leads to intimate and personal transformation. It is my desire to walk with you through this journey, which is not meant to be done alone.

Get In Touch

Contact 99 Soul Care for any inquiries or to Book a Consultation.


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